System: Xpra version, platform and host information Network: Compression, packet encoding and encryption bencode : {'': True, 'version': ('Cython', 0, 13)} compressors : ['zlib', 'lz4', 'lzo'] config : {'vsocket.timeout': 5, 'socket.timeout': 20} digest : ['hmac', 'xor', 'hmac+whirlpool', 'hmac+sha512', 'hmac+sha384', 'hmac+sha256', 'hmac+sha224', 'hmac+sha1', 'hmac+sha', 'hmac+ripemd160', 'hmac+md5', 'hmac+md4', 'hmac+ecdsa-with-SHA1', 'hmac+dsaWithSHA', 'hmac+dsaEncryption', 'hmac+SHA512', 'hmac+SHA384', 'hmac+SHA256', 'hmac+SHA224', 'hmac+SHA1', 'hmac+SHA', 'hmac+RIPEMD160', 'hmac+MD5', 'hmac+MD4', 'hmac+DSA-SHA', 'hmac+DSA', 'des'] encoders : ['rencode', 'bencode', 'yaml'] gateways : {} interfaces : ['lo', 'eth0', 'eth2', 'eth1', 'br2', 'br1', 'br0', 'wlan4', 'lxcbr0'] lz4 : {'': True, 'version': '0.11.1'} lzo : {'': True, 'version': '2.08'} mmap : True python-lz4 : {'': True, 'version': '0.11.1'} python-lzo : {'': True, 'version': '1.08'} rencode : {'': True, 'version': ('Cython', 1, 0, 5)} salt-digest : ['hmac+whirlpool', 'hmac+sha512', 'hmac+sha384', 'hmac+sha256', 'hmac+sha224', 'hmac+sha1', 'hmac+sha', 'hmac+ripemd160', 'hmac+md5', 'hmac+md4', 'hmac+ecdsa-with-SHA1', 'hmac+dsaWithSHA', 'hmac+dsaEncryption', 'hmac+SHA512', 'hmac+SHA384', 'hmac+SHA256', 'hmac+SHA224', 'hmac+SHA1', 'hmac+SHA', 'hmac+RIPEMD160', 'hmac+MD5', 'hmac+MD4', 'hmac+DSA-SHA', 'hmac+DSA'] ssl : {'': True, 'npn': True, 'verify': {'VERIFY_X509_TRUSTED_FIRST': 32768, 'VERIFY_X509_STRICT': 32, 'VERIFY_CRL_CHECK_CHAIN': 12, 'VERIFY_CRL_CHECK_LEAF': 4, 'VERIFY_DEFAULT': 0}, 'ecdh': True, 'openssl': {'version-number': 268443775L, 'version-info': (1, 0, 2, 7, 15), 'version': 'OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016'}, 'sni': True, 'channel-binding-types': ['tls-unique'], 'alpn': True, 'options': {'OP_NO_SSLv3': 33554432, 'OP_NO_SSLv2': 16777216, 'OP_NO_TLSv1_1': 268435456, 'OP_NO_TLSv1_2': 134217728, 'OP_NO_TLSv1': 67108864, 'OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE': 4194304, 'OP_SINGLE_DH_USE': 1048576, 'OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE': 524288, 'OP_NO_COMPRESSION': 131072, 'OP_ALL': 2147484671}, 'protocols': {'PROTOCOL_SSLv23': 2, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1': 4, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2': 5, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1': 3}} system : {'core': {'wmem_default': 212992, 'wmem_max': 212992, 'busy_poll': 0, 'busy_read': 0, 'max_skb_frags': 17, 'rmem_default': 212992, 'netdev_max_backlog': 1000, 'somaxconn': 128, 'default_qdisc': 'pfifo_fast', 'rmem_max': 212992, 'optmem_max': 20480}, 'unix': {'max_dgram_qlen': 512}, 'ipv4': {'ip': {'dynaddr': True, 'default_ttl': 64, 'local_reserved_ports': (), 'forward_use_pmtu': True, 'early_demux': True, 'forward': True, 'no_pmtu_disc': 0, 'nonlocal_bind': True, 'local_port_range': (32768, 60999)}, 'fwmark_reflect': True, 'tcp': {'low_latency': True, 'available_congestion_control': 'cubic reno', 'retries2': 15, 'keepalive_time': 7200, 'orphan_retries': 0, 'challenge_ack_limit': 1000, 'sack': '1', 'moderate_rcvbuf': '1', 'allowed_congestion_control': 'cubic reno', 'stdurg': '0', 'pacing_ca_ratio': 120, 'max_syn_backlog': 1024, 'slow_start_after_idle': '1', 'wmem': (4096, 16384, 4194304), 'keepalive_probes': 9, 'rfc1337': '0', 'no_metrics_save': True, 'dsack': True, 'notsent_lowat': 4294967295, 'abort_on_overflow': True, 'syncookies': '1', 'min_rtt_wlen': 300, 'tso_win_divisor': 3, 'timestamps': True, 'mtu_probing': 0, 'synack_retries': 5, 'retrans_collapse': True, 'max_tw_buckets': 131072, 'app_win': 31, 'mem': (286197, 381596, 572394), 'ecn': 2, 'workaround_signed_windows': True, 'fastopen': 1, 'fin_timeout': 60, 'tw_reuse': '0', 'probe_interval': 600, 'rmem': (4096, 87380, 6291456), 'invalid_ratelimit': 500, 'limit_output_bytes': 262144, 'adv_win_scale': 1, 'retries1': 3, 'autocorking': True, 'thin_linear_timeouts': True, 'recovery': True, 'fack': True, 'early_retrans': '3', 'syn_retries': 6, 'probe_threshold': 8, 'keepalive_intvl': 75, 'pacing_ss_ratio': 200, 'min_tso_segs': 2, 'window_scaling': '1', 'congestion_control': 'cubic', 'ecn_fallback': True, 'base_mss': 1024, 'frto': 2, 'max_reordering': 300, 'max_orphans': 131072, 'reordering': 3}, 'ipfrag': {'low_thresh': 3145728, 'high_thresh': 4194304, 'max_dist': 64, 'time': 30}, 'icmp': {'ignore_bogus_error_responses': '1', 'ratemask': 6168, 'msgs_per_sec': 1000, 'echo_ignore_broadcasts': True, 'echo_ignore_all': True, 'ratelimit': 1000, 'errors_use_inbound_ifaddr': '0', 'msgs_burst': 50}, 'route': {'min_adv_mss': 256, 'mtu_expires': 600, 'min_pmtu': 552}, 'igmp': {'max_msf': 10, 'qrv': 2, 'max_memberships': 20}}} yaml : {'': True, 'version': '3.11'} zlib : {'': True, 'version': '1.0'} Encodings: Picture encodings supported PIL : 3.1.2 avcodec2 : (58, 18, 100) dec_pillow : 3.1.2 numpy : 1.11.0 swscale : (5, 1, 100) vpx : v1.5.0 OpenGL: OpenGL driver and features GLU.extensions : GLU_EXT_nurbs_tessellator GLU_EXT_object_space_tess GLU.version : 1.3 accum-blue-size : 0 accum-green-size : 0 accum-red-size : 0 alpha-size : 0 aux-buffers : 0 blue-size : 8 depth : 24 depth-size : 0 display_mode : ['DOUBLE'] double-buffered : True extensions : [u'GL_ARB_multisample', u'GL_EXT_abgr', u'GL_EXT_bgra', u'GL_EXT_blend_color', u'GL_EXT_blend_minmax', u'GL_EXT_blend_subtract', u'GL_EXT_copy_texture', u'GL_EXT_polygon_offset', u'GL_EXT_subtexture', u'GL_EXT_texture_object', u'GL_EXT_vertex_array', u'GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array', u'GL_EXT_texture', u'GL_EXT_texture3D', u'GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip', u'GL_ARB_point_parameters', u'GL_EXT_draw_range_elements', u'GL_EXT_packed_pixels', u'GL_EXT_point_parameters', u'GL_EXT_rescale_normal', u'GL_EXT_separate_specular_color', u'GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp', u'GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap', u'GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp', u'GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp', u'GL_SGIS_texture_lod', u'GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB', u'GL_ARB_multitexture', u'GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB', u'GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays', u'GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat', u'GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1', u'GL_ARB_texture_cube_map', u'GL_ARB_texture_env_add', u'GL_ARB_transpose_matrix', u'GL_EXT_blend_func_separate', u'GL_EXT_fog_coord', u'GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays', u'GL_EXT_secondary_color', u'GL_EXT_texture_env_add', u'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic', u'GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias', u'GL_INGR_blend_func_separate', u'GL_NV_blend_square', u'GL_NV_light_max_exponent', u'GL_NV_texgen_reflection', u'GL_NV_texture_env_combine4', u'GL_S3_s3tc', u'GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays', u'GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp', u'GL_ARB_texture_compression', u'GL_EXT_framebuffer_object', u'GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc', u'GL_EXT_texture_env_combine', u'GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3', u'GL_MESA_window_pos', u'GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil', u'GL_NV_texture_rectangle', u'GL_ARB_depth_texture', u'GL_ARB_occlusion_query', u'GL_ARB_shadow', u'GL_ARB_texture_env_combine', u'GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar', u'GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3', u'GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat', u'GL_ARB_window_pos', u'GL_EXT_stencil_two_side', u'GL_EXT_texture_cube_map', u'GL_NV_depth_clamp', u'GL_APPLE_packed_pixels', u'GL_ARB_draw_buffers', u'GL_ARB_fragment_program', u'GL_ARB_fragment_shader', u'GL_ARB_shader_objects', u'GL_ARB_vertex_program', u'GL_ARB_vertex_shader', u'GL_ATI_draw_buffers', u'GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3', u'GL_ATI_texture_float', u'GL_EXT_shadow_funcs', u'GL_EXT_stencil_wrap', u'GL_MESA_pack_invert', u'GL_NV_primitive_restart', u'GL_ARB_depth_clamp', u'GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow', u'GL_ARB_half_float_pixel', u'GL_ARB_occlusion_query2', u'GL_ARB_point_sprite', u'GL_ARB_shading_language_100', u'GL_ARB_sync', u'GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two', u'GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object', u'GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate', u'GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate', u'GL_OES_read_format', u'GL_ARB_color_buffer_float', u'GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object', u'GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc', u'GL_ARB_texture_float', u'GL_ARB_texture_rectangle', u'GL_EXT_packed_float', u'GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object', u'GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1', u'GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc', u'GL_EXT_texture_rectangle', u'GL_EXT_texture_sRGB', u'GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent', u'GL_ARB_framebuffer_object', u'GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit', u'GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample', u'GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil', u'GL_APPLE_object_purgeable', u'GL_ARB_vertex_array_object', u'GL_ATI_separate_stencil', u'GL_EXT_draw_buffers2', u'GL_EXT_draw_instanced', u'GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters', u'GL_EXT_texture_array', u'GL_EXT_texture_integer', u'GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode', u'GL_EXT_timer_query', u'GL_OES_EGL_image', u'GL_ARB_copy_buffer', u'GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float', u'GL_ARB_draw_instanced', u'GL_ARB_half_float_vertex', u'GL_ARB_instanced_arrays', u'GL_ARB_map_buffer_range', u'GL_ARB_texture_rg', u'GL_ARB_texture_swizzle', u'GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra', u'GL_EXT_texture_swizzle', u'GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra', u'GL_NV_conditional_render', u'GL_AMD_conservative_depth', u'GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend', u'GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture', u'GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility', u'GL_ARB_blend_func_extended', u'GL_ARB_debug_output', u'GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend', u'GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex', u'GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location', u'GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions', u'GL_ARB_provo gdkgl : {'version': (1, 4)} gdkglext : {'version': (1, 2, 0)} green-size : 8 gtkglext : {'version': (1, 2, 0)} has-depth-buffer : False has-stencil-buffer : False has_alpha : False max-viewport-dims : (32768, 32768) opengl : (3, 0) pygdkglext : {'version': (1, 1, 0)} pyopengl : 3.1.1a1 red-size : 8 renderer : Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Desktop rgba : True safe : True sample-buffers : 0 samples : 0 shading-language-version : 1.30 stencil-size : 0 stereo : False texture-size-limit : 16384 transparency : True vendor : Intel Open Source Technology Center zerocopy : False Sound: Sound codecs and GStreamer version information {'gst.version': ['1', '8', '3', '0'], 'sinks': ['autoaudiosink', 'pulsesink', 'alsasink', 'osssink', 'oss4sink', 'jackaudiosink'], 'muxers': ['ogg', 'mka', 'mpeg4'], 'decoders': ['opus+ogg', 'vorbis+mka', 'mp3', 'flac+ogg', 'aac+mpeg4', 'wav+lz4', 'wav+lzo', 'wav', 'wavpack', 'speex+ogg', 'opus+mka', 'flac', 'mp3+mpeg4'], 'sink.default': ['pulsesink'], 'pygst.version': ['3', '20', '0'], 'python.bits': '64', 'sources': ['pulsesrc', 'autoaudiosrc', 'alsasrc', 'osssrc', 'oss4src', 'jackaudiosrc', 'audiotestsrc'], 'encoders': ['opus', 'opus+ogg', 'vorbis+mka', 'mp3', 'flac+ogg', 'aac+mpeg4', 'wav+lz4', 'wav+lzo', 'wav', 'wavpack', 'speex+ogg', 'opus+mka', 'flac', 'mp3+mpeg4'], 'plugins': ['3gppmux', 'a52dec', 'aacparse', 'aasink', 'ac3parse', 'adder', 'agingtv', 'alawdec', 'alawenc', 'alpha', 'alphacolor', 'alsamidisrc', 'alsasink', 'alsasrc', 'amrnbdec', 'amrnbenc', 'amrparse', 'amrwbdec', 'apedemux', 'apev2mux', 'appsink', 'appsrc', 'asfdemux', 'aspectratiocrop', 'asteriskh263', 'audioamplify', 'audiochebband', 'audiocheblimit', 'audioconvert', 'audiodynamic', 'audioecho', 'audiofirfilter', 'audioiirfilter', 'audioinvert', 'audiokaraoke', 'audiopanorama', 'audiorate', 'audioresample', 'audiotestsrc', 'audiowsincband', 'audiowsinclimit', 'auparse', 'autoaudiosink', 'autoaudiosrc', 'autovideosink', 'autovideosrc', 'avdec_4xm', 'avdec_8bps', 'avdec_8svx_exp', 'avdec_8svx_fib', 'avdec_aac', 'avdec_aac_fixed', 'avdec_aac_latm', 'avdec_aasc', 'avdec_ac3', 'avdec_ac3_fixed', 'avdec_adpcm_4xm', 'avdec_adpcm_adx', 'avdec_adpcm_afc', 'avdec_adpcm_ct', 'avdec_adpcm_dtk', 'avdec_adpcm_ea', 'avdec_adpcm_ea_maxis_xa', 'avdec_adpcm_ea_r1', 'avdec_adpcm_ea_r2', 'avdec_adpcm_ea_r3', 'avdec_adpcm_ea_xas', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_amv', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_apc', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_dk3', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_dk4', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_ea_eacs', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_ea_sead', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_iss', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_oki', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_qt', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_rad', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_smjpeg', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_wav', 'avdec_adpcm_ima_ws', 'avdec_adpcm_ms', 'avdec_adpcm_sbpro_2', 'avdec_adpcm_sbpro_3', 'avdec_adpcm_sbpro_4', 'avdec_adpcm_swf', 'avdec_adpcm_thp', 'avdec_adpcm_thp_le', 'avdec_adpcm_vima', 'avdec_adpcm_xa', 'avdec_adpcm_yamaha', 'avdec_aic', 'avdec_alac', 'avdec_alias_pix', 'avdec_als', 'avdec_amrnb', 'avdec_amrwb', 'avdec_amv', 'avdec_anm', 'avdec_ansi', 'avdec_ape', 'avdec_apng', 'avdec_asv1', 'avdec_asv2', 'avdec_atrac1', 'avdec_atrac3', 'avdec_atrac3plus', 'avdec_aura', 'avdec_aura2', 'avdec_avrn', 'avdec_avrp', 'avdec_avs', 'avdec_avui', 'avdec_bethsoftvid', 'avdec_bfi', 'avdec_binkaudio_dct', 'avdec_binkaudio_rdft', 'avdec_binkvideo', 'avdec_bintext', 'avdec_bmp', 'avdec_bmv_audio', 'avdec_bmv_video', 'avdec_brender_pix', 'avdec_c93', 'avdec_camstudio', 'avdec_camtasia', 'avdec_cavs', 'avdec_cdgraphics', 'avdec_cdxl', 'avdec_cinepak', 'avdec_cljr', 'avdec_cllc', 'avdec_comfortnoise', 'avdec_cook', 'avdec_cpia', 'avdec_cyuv', 'avdec_dca', 'avdec_dds', 'avdec_dfa', 'avdec_dirac', 'avdec_dnxhd', 'avdec_dpx', 'avdec_dsd_lsbf', 'avdec_dsd_lsbf_planar', 'avdec_dsd_msbf', 'avdec_dsd_msbf_planar', 'avdec_dsicinaudio', 'avdec_dsicinvideo', 'avdec_dss_sp', 'avdec_dvvideo', 'avdec_dxa', 'avdec_dxtory', 'avdec_eac3', 'avdec_eacmv', 'avdec_eamad', 'avdec_eatgq', 'avdec_eatgv', 'avdec_eatqi', 'avdec_escape124', 'avdec_escape130', 'avdec_evrc', 'avdec_exr', 'avdec_ffv1', 'avdec_ffvhuff', 'avdec_fic', 'avdec_flac', 'avdec_flashsv', 'avdec_flashsv2', 'avdec_flic', 'avdec_flv', 'avdec_fraps', 'avdec_frwu', 'avdec_g2m', 'avdec_g722', 'avdec_g723_1', 'avdec_g726', 'avdec_g726le', 'avdec_g729', 'avdec_gsm', 'avdec_gsm_ms', 'avdec_h261', 'avdec_h263', 'avdec_h263i', 'avdec_h263p', 'avdec_h264', 'avdec_h265', 'avdec_hap', 'avdec_hnm4video', 'avdec_hq_hqa', 'avdec_hqx', 'avdec_huffyuv', 'avdec_iac', 'avdec_idcinvideo', 'avdec_idf', 'avdec_iff', 'avdec_imc', 'avdec_indeo2', 'avdec_indeo3', 'avdec_indeo4', 'avdec_indeo5', 'avdec_interplay_dpcm', 'avdec_interplayvideo', 'avdec_jpeg2000', 'avdec_jpegls', 'avdec_jv', 'avdec_kgv1', 'avdec_kmvc', 'avdec_lagarith', 'avdec_loco', 'avd Keyboard Mapping: Keyboard layout and key mapping (65307, 'Escape', 9, 0, 0) (49, '1', 10, 0, 0) (33, 'exclam', 10, 0, 1) (185, 'onesuperior', 10, 0, 2) (161, 'exclamdown', 10, 0, 3) (50, '2', 11, 0, 0) (34, 'quotedbl', 11, 0, 1) (178, 'twosuperior', 11, 0, 2) (2755, 'oneeighth', 11, 0, 3) (51, '3', 12, 0, 0) (167, 'section', 12, 0, 1) (179, 'threesuperior', 12, 0, 2) (163, 'sterling', 12, 0, 3) (52, '4', 13, 0, 0) (36, 'dollar', 13, 0, 1) (188, 'onequarter', 13, 0, 2) (164, 'currency', 13, 0, 3) (53, '5', 14, 0, 0) (37, 'percent', 14, 0, 1) (189, 'onehalf', 14, 0, 2) (2756, 'threeeighths', 14, 0, 3) (54, '6', 15, 0, 0) (38, 'ampersand', 15, 0, 1) (172, 'notsign', 15, 0, 2) (2757, 'fiveeighths', 15, 0, 3) (55, '7', 16, 0, 0) (47, 'slash', 16, 0, 1) (123, 'braceleft', 16, 0, 2) (2758, 'seveneighths', 16, 0, 3) (56, '8', 17, 0, 0) (40, 'parenleft', 17, 0, 1) (91, 'bracketleft', 17, 0, 2) (2761, 'trademark', 17, 0, 3) (57, '9', 18, 0, 0) (41, 'parenright', 18, 0, 1) (93, 'bracketright', 18, 0, 2) (177, 'plusminus', 18, 0, 3) (48, '0', 19, 0, 0) (61, 'equal', 19, 0, 1) (125, 'braceright', 19, 0, 2) (176, 'degree', 19, 0, 3) (223, 'ssharp', 20, 0, 0) (63, 'question', 20, 0, 1) (92, 'backslash', 20, 0, 2) (191, 'questiondown', 20, 0, 3) (16785054, 'U1E9E', 20, 0, 4) (65105, 'dead_acute', 21, 0, 0) (65104, 'dead_grave', 21, 0, 1) (65115, 'dead_cedilla', 21, 0, 2) (65116, 'dead_ogonek', 21, 0, 3) (65288, 'BackSpace', 22, 0, 0) (65288, 'BackSpace', 22, 0, 1) (65289, 'Tab', 23, 0, 0) (65056, 'ISO_Left_Tab', 23, 0, 1) (113, 'q', 24, 0, 0) (81, 'Q', 24, 0, 1) (64, 'at', 24, 0, 2) (2009, 'Greek_OMEGA', 24, 0, 3) (119, 'w', 25, 0, 0) (87, 'W', 25, 0, 1) (435, 'lstroke', 25, 0, 2) (419, 'Lstroke', 25, 0, 3) (101, 'e', 26, 0, 0) (69, 'E', 26, 0, 1) (8364, 'EuroSign', 26, 0, 2) (8364, 'EuroSign', 26, 0, 3) (114, 'r', 27, 0, 0) (82, 'R', 27, 0, 1) (182, 'paragraph', 27, 0, 2) (174, 'registered', 27, 0, 3) (116, 't', 28, 0, 0) (84, 'T', 28, 0, 1) (956, 'tslash', 28, 0, 2) (940, 'Tslash', 28, 0, 3) (122, 'z', 29, 0, 0) (90, 'Z', 29, 0, 1) (2299, 'leftarrow', 29, 0, 2) (165, 'yen', 29, 0, 3) (117, 'u', 30, 0, 0) (85, 'U', 30, 0, 1) (2302, 'downarrow', 30, 0, 2) (2300, 'uparrow', 30, 0, 3) (105, 'i', 31, 0, 0) (73, 'I', 31, 0, 1) (2301, 'rightarrow', 31, 0, 2) (697, 'idotless', 31, 0, 3) (111, 'o', 32, 0, 0) (79, 'O', 32, 0, 1) (248, 'oslash', 32, 0, 2) (216, 'Oslash', 32, 0, 3) (112, 'p', 33, 0, 0) (80, 'P', 33, 0, 1) (254, 'thorn', 33, 0, 2) (222, 'THORN', 33, 0, 3) (252, 'udiaeresis', 34, 0, 0) (220, 'Udiaeresis', 34, 0, 1) (65111, 'dead_diaeresis', 34, 0, 2) (65112, 'dead_abovering', 34, 0, 3) (43, 'plus', 35, 0, 0) (42, 'asterisk', 35, 0, 1) (126, 'asciitilde', 35, 0, 2) (175, 'macron', 35, 0, 3) (65293, 'Return', 36, 0, 0) (65507, 'Control_L', 37, 0, 0) (97, 'a', 38, 0, 0) (65, 'A', 38, 0, 1) (230, 'ae', 38, 0, 2) (198, 'AE', 38, 0, 3) (115, 's', 39, 0, 0) (83, 'S', 39, 0, 1) (16777599, 'U017F', 39, 0, 2) (16785054, 'U1E9E', 39, 0, 3) (100, 'd', 40, 0, 0) (68, 'D', 40, 0, 1) (240, 'eth', 40, 0, 2) (208, 'ETH', 40, 0, 3) (102, 'f', 41, 0, 0) (70, 'F', 41, 0, 1) (496, 'dstroke', 41, 0, 2) (170, 'ordfeminine', 41, 0, 3) (103, 'g', 42, 0, 0) (71, 'G', 42, 0, 1) (959, 'eng', 42, 0, 2) (957, 'ENG', 42, 0, 3) (104, 'h', 43, 0, 0) (72, 'H', 43, 0, 1) (689, 'hstroke', 43, 0, 2) (673, 'Hstroke', 43, 0, 3) (106, 'j', 44, 0, 0) (74, 'J', 44, 0, 1) (65120, 'dead_belowdot', 44, 0, 2) (65110, 'dead_abovedot', 44, 0, 3) (107, 'k', 45, 0, 0) (75, 'K', 45, 0, 1) (930, 'kra', 45, 0, 2) (38, 'ampersand', 45, 0, 3) (108, 'l', 46, 0, 0) (76, 'L', 46, 0, 1) (435, 'lstroke', 46, 0, 2) (419, 'Lstroke', 46, 0, 3) (246, 'odiaeresis', 47, 0, 0) (214, 'Odiaeresis', 47, 0, 1) (65113, 'dead_doubleacute', 47, 0, 2) (65120, 'dead_belowdot', 47, 0, 3) (228, 'adiaeresis', 48, 0, 0) (196, 'Adiaeresis', 48, 0, 1) (65106, 'dead_circumflex', 48, 0, 2) (65114, 'dead_caron', 48, 0, 3) (65106, 'dead_circumflex', 49, 0, 0) (176, 'degree', 49, 0, 1) (16785458, 'U2032', 49, 0, 2) (16785459, 'U2033', 49, 0, 3) (65505, 'Shift_L', 50, 0, 0) (35, 'numbersign', 51, 0, 0) (39, 'apostrophe', 51, 0, 1) (2769, 'rightsinglequotemark', 51, 0, 2) (65109, 'dead_breve', 51, 0, 3) (121, 'y', 52, 0, 0) (89, 'Y', 52, 0, 1) (187, 'guillemotright', 52, 0, 2) (16785466, 'U203A', 52, 0, 3) (120, 'x', 53, 0, 0) (88, 'X', 53, 0, 1) (171, 'guillemotleft', 53, 0, 2) (16785465, 'U2039', 53, 0, 3) (99, 'c', 54, 0, 0) (67, 'C', 54, 0, 1) (162, 'cent', 54, 0, 2) (169, 'copyright', 54, 0, 3) (118, 'v', 55, 0, 0) (86, 'V', 55, 0, 1) (2814, 'doublelowquotemark', 55, 0, 2) (2813, 'singlelowquotemark', 55, 0, 3) (98, 'b', 56, 0, 0) (66, 'B', 56, 0, 1) (2770, 'leftdoublequotemark', 56, 0, 2) (2768, 'leftsinglequotemark', 56, 0, 3) (110, 'n', 57, 0, 0) (78, 'N', 57, 0, 1) (2771, 'rightdoublequotemark', 57, 0, 2) (2769, 'rightsinglequotemark', 57, 0, 3) (109, 'm', 58, 0, 0) (77, 'M', 58, 0, 1) (181, 'mu', 58, 0, 2) (186, 'masculine', 58, 0, 3) (44, 'comma', 59, 0, 0) (59, 'semicolon', 59, 0, 1) (183, 'periodcentered', 59, 0, 2) (215, 'multiply', 59, 0, 3) (46, 'period', 60, 0, 0) (58, 'colon', 60, 0, 1) (16785446, 'U2026', 60, 0, 2) (247, 'division', 60, 0, 3) (45, 'minus', 61, 0, 0) (95, 'underscore', 61, 0, 1) (2730, 'endash', 61, 0, 2) (2729, 'emdash', 61, 0, 3) (65506, 'Shift_R', 62, 0, 0) (65450, 'KP_Multiply', 63, 0, 0) (65450, 'KP_Multiply', 63, 0, 1) (65450, 'KP_Multiply', 63, 0, 2) (65450, 'KP_Multiply', 63, 0, 3) (269024801, 'XF86ClearGrab', 63, 0, 4) (65513, 'Alt_L', 64, 0, 0) (65511, 'Meta_L', 64, 0, 1) (32, 'space', 65, 0, 0) (65509, 'Caps_Lock', 66, 0, 0) (65470, 'F1', 67, 0, 0) (65470, 'F1', 67, 0, 1) (65470, 'F1', 67, 0, 2) (65470, 'F1', 67, 0, 3) (269024769, 'XF86Switch_VT_1', 67, 0, 4) (65471, 'F2', 68, 0, 0) (65471, 'F2', 68, 0, 1) (65471, 'F2', 68, 0, 2) (65471, 'F2', 68, 0, 3) (269024770, 'XF86Switch_VT_2', 68, 0, 4) (65472, 'F3', 69, 0, 0) (65472, 'F3', 69, 0, 1) (65472, 'F3', 69, 0, 2) (65472, 'F3', 69, 0, 3) (269024771, 'XF86Switch_VT_3', 69, 0, 4) (65473, 'F4', 70, 0, 0) (65473, 'F4', 70, 0, 1) (65473, 'F4', 70, 0, 2) (65473, 'F4', 70, 0, 3) (269024772, 'XF86Switch_VT_4', 70, 0, 4) (65474, 'F5', 71, 0, 0) (65474, 'F5', 71, 0, 1) (65474, 'F5', 71, 0, 2) (65474, 'F5', 71, 0, 3) (269024773, 'XF86Switch_VT_5', 71, 0, 4) (65475, 'F6', 72, 0, 0) (65475, 'F6', 72, 0, 1) (65475, 'F6', 72, 0, 2) (65475, 'F6', 72, 0, 3) (269024774, 'XF86Switch_VT_6', 72, 0, 4) (65476, 'F7', 73, 0, 0) (65476, 'F7', 73, 0, 1) (65476, 'F7', 73, 0, 2) (65476, 'F7', 73, 0, 3) (269024775, 'XF86Switch_VT_7', 73, 0, 4) (65477, 'F8', 74, 0, 0) (65477, 'F8', 74, 0, 1) (65477, 'F8', 74, 0, 2) (65477, 'F8', 74, 0, 3) (269024776, 'XF86Switch_VT_8', 74, 0, 4) (65478, 'F9', 75, 0, 0) (65478, 'F9', 75, 0, 1) (65478, 'F9', 75, 0, 2) (65478, 'F9', 75, 0, 3) (269024777, 'XF86Switch_VT_9', 75, 0, 4) (65479, 'F10', 76, 0, 0) (65479, 'F10', 76, 0, 1) (65479, 'F10', 76, 0, 2) (65479, 'F10', 76, 0, 3) (269024778, 'XF86Switch_VT_10', 76, 0, 4) (65407, 'Num_Lock', 77, 0, 0) (65300, 'Scroll_Lock', 78, 0, 0) (65429, 'KP_Home', 79, 0, 0) (65463, 'KP_7', 79, 0, 1) (65431, 'KP_Up', 80, 0, 0) (65464, 'KP_8', 80, 0, 1) (65434, 'KP_Page_Up', 81, 0, 0) (65465, 'KP_9', 81, 0, 1) (65453, 'KP_Subtract', 82, 0, 0) (65453, 'KP_Subtract', 82, 0, 1) (65453, 'KP_Subtract', 82, 0, 2) (65453, 'KP_Subtract', 82, 0, 3) (269024803, 'XF86Prev_VMode', 82, 0, 4) (65430, 'KP_Left', 83, 0, 0) (65460, 'KP_4', 83, 0, 1) (65437, 'KP_Begin', 84, 0, 0) (65461, 'KP_5', 84, 0, 1) (65432, 'KP_Right', 85, 0, 0) (65462, 'KP_6', 85, 0, 1) (65451, 'KP_Add', 86, 0, 0) (65451, 'KP_Add', 86, 0, 1) (65451, 'KP_Add', 86, 0, 2) (65451, 'KP_Add', 86, 0, 3) (269024802, 'XF86Next_VMode', 86, 0, 4) (65436, 'KP_End', 87, 0, 0) (65457, 'KP_1', 87, 0, 1) (65433, 'KP_Down', 88, 0, 0) (65458, 'KP_2', 88, 0, 1) (65435, 'KP_Page_Down', 89, 0, 0) (65459, 'KP_3', 89, 0, 1) (65438, 'KP_Insert', 90, 0, 0) (65456, 'KP_0', 90, 0, 1) (65439, 'KP_Delete', 91, 0, 0) (65452, 'KP_Separator', 91, 0, 1) (65027, 'ISO_Level3_Shift', 92, 0, 0) (60, 'less', 94, 0, 0) (62, 'greater', 94, 0, 1) (124, 'bar', 94, 0, 2) (166, 'brokenbar', 94, 0, 3) (65480, 'F11', 95, 0, 0) (65480, 'F11', 95, 0, 1) (65480, 'F11', 95, 0, 2) (65480, 'F11', 95, 0, 3) (269024779, 'XF86Switch_VT_11', 95, 0, 4) (65481, 'F12', 96, 0, 0) (65481, 'F12', 96, 0, 1) (65481, 'F12', 96, 0, 2) (65481, 'F12', 96, 0, 3) (269024780, 'XF86Switch_VT_12', 96, 0, 4) (65318, 'Katakana', 98, 0, 0) (65317, 'Hiragana', 99, 0, 0) (65315, 'Henkan_Mode', 100, 0, 0) (65319, 'Hiragana_Katakana', 101, 0, 0) (65314, 'Muhenkan', 102, 0, 0) (65421, 'KP_Enter', 104, 0, 0) (65508, 'Control_R', 105, 0, 0) (65455, 'KP_Divide', 106, 0, 0) (65455, 'KP_Divide', 106, 0, 1) (65455, 'KP_Divide', 106, 0, 2) (65455, 'KP_Divide', 106, 0, 3) (269024800, 'XF86Ungrab', 106, 0, 4) (65377, 'Print', 107, 0, 0) (65301, 'Sys_Req', 107, 0, 1) (65027, 'ISO_Level3_Shift', 108, 0, 0) (65290, 'Linefeed', 109, 0, 0) (65360, 'Home', 110, 0, 0) (65362, 'Up', 111, 0, 0) (65365, 'Page_Up', 112, 0, 0) (65361, 'Left', 113, 0, 0) (65363, 'Right', 114, 0, 0) (65367, 'End', 115, 0, 0) (65364, 'Down', 116, 0, 0) (65366, 'Page_Down', 117, 0, 0) (65379, 'Insert', 118, 0, 0) (65535, 'Delete', 119, 0, 0) (269025042, 'XF86AudioMute', 121, 0, 0) (269025041, 'XF86AudioLowerVolume', 122, 0, 0) (269025043, 'XF86AudioRaiseVolume', 123, 0, 0) (269025066, 'XF86PowerOff', 124, 0, 0) (65469, 'KP_Equal', 125, 0, 0) (177, 'plusminus', 126, 0, 0) (65299, 'Pause', 127, 0, 0) (65387, 'Break', 127, 0, 1) (269025098, 'XF86LaunchA', 128, 0, 0) (65454, 'KP_Decimal', 129, 0, 0) (65454, 'KP_Decimal', 129, 0, 1) (65329, 'Hangul', 130, 0, 0) (65332, 'Hangul_Hanja', 131, 0, 0) (65515, 'Super_L', 133, 0, 0) (65516, 'Super_R', 134, 0, 0) (65383, 'Menu', 135, 0, 0) (65385, 'Cancel', 136, 0, 0) (65382, 'Redo', 137, 0, 0) (268828528, 'SunProps', 138, 0, 0) (65381, 'Undo', 139, 0, 0) (268828529, 'SunFront', 140, 0, 0) (269025111, 'XF86Copy', 141, 0, 0) (269025131, 'XF86Open', 142, 0, 0) (269025133, 'XF86Paste', 143, 0, 0) (65384, 'Find', 144, 0, 0) (269025112, 'XF86Cut', 145, 0, 0) (65386, 'Help', 146, 0, 0) (269025125, 'XF86MenuKB', 147, 0, 0) (269025053, 'XF86Calculator', 148, 0, 0) (269025071, 'XF86Sleep', 150, 0, 0) (269025067, 'XF86WakeUp', 151, 0, 0) (269025117, 'XF86Explorer', 152, 0, 0) (269025147, 'XF86Send', 153, 0, 0) (269025162, 'XF86Xfer', 155, 0, 0) (269025089, 'XF86Launch1', 156, 0, 0) (269025090, 'XF86Launch2', 157, 0, 0) (269025070, 'XF86WWW', 158, 0, 0) (269025114, 'XF86DOS', 159, 0, 0) (269025069, 'XF86ScreenSaver', 160, 0, 0) (269025140, 'XF86RotateWindows', 161, 0, 0) (269025151, 'XF86TaskPane', 162, 0, 0) (269025049, 'XF86Mail', 163, 0, 0) (269025072, 'XF86Favorites', 164, 0, 0) (269025075, 'XF86MyComputer', 165, 0, 0) (269025062, 'XF86Back', 166, 0, 0) (269025063, 'XF86Forward', 167, 0, 0) (269025068, 'XF86Eject', 169, 0, 0) (269025068, 'XF86Eject', 170, 0, 0) (269025068, 'XF86Eject', 170, 0, 1) (269025047, 'XF86AudioNext', 171, 0, 0) (269025044, 'XF86AudioPlay', 172, 0, 0) (269025073, 'XF86AudioPause', 172, 0, 1) (269025046, 'XF86AudioPrev', 173, 0, 0) (269025045, 'XF86AudioStop', 174, 0, 0) (269025068, 'XF86Eject', 174, 0, 1) (269025052, 'XF86AudioRecord', 175, 0, 0) (269025086, 'XF86AudioRewind', 176, 0, 0) (269025134, 'XF86Phone', 177, 0, 0) (269025153, 'XF86Tools', 179, 0, 0) (269025048, 'XF86HomePage', 180, 0, 0) (269025139, 'XF86Reload', 181, 0, 0) (269025110, 'XF86Close', 182, 0, 0) (269025144, 'XF86ScrollUp', 185, 0, 0) (269025145, 'XF86ScrollDown', 186, 0, 0) (40, 'parenleft', 187, 0, 0) (41, 'parenright', 188, 0, 0) (269025128, 'XF86New', 189, 0, 0) (65382, 'Redo', 190, 0, 0) (269025153, 'XF86Tools', 191, 0, 0) (269025093, 'XF86Launch5', 192, 0, 0) (269025094, 'XF86Launch6', 193, 0, 0) (269025095, 'XF86Launch7', 194, 0, 0) (269025096, 'XF86Launch8', 195, 0, 0) (269025097, 'XF86Launch9', 196, 0, 0) (269025202, 'XF86AudioMicMute', 198, 0, 0) (269025193, 'XF86TouchpadToggle', 199, 0, 0) (269025200, 'XF86TouchpadOn', 200, 0, 0) (269025201, 'XF86TouchpadOff', 201, 0, 0) (65406, 'Mode_switch', 203, 0, 0) (65513, 'Alt_L', 204, 0, 1) (65511, 'Meta_L', 205, 0, 1) (65515, 'Super_L', 206, 0, 1) (65517, 'Hyper_L', 207, 0, 1) (269025044, 'XF86AudioPlay', 208, 0, 0) (269025073, 'XF86AudioPause', 209, 0, 0) (269025091, 'XF86Launch3', 210, 0, 0) (269025092, 'XF86Launch4', 211, 0, 0) (269025099, 'XF86LaunchB', 212, 0, 0) (269025191, 'XF86Suspend', 213, 0, 0) (269025110, 'XF86Close', 214, 0, 0) (269025044, 'XF86AudioPlay', 215, 0, 0) (269025175, 'XF86AudioForward', 216, 0, 0) (65377, 'Print', 218, 0, 0) (269025167, 'XF86WebCam', 220, 0, 0) (269025049, 'XF86Mail', 223, 0, 0) (269025166, 'XF86Messenger', 224, 0, 0) (269025051, 'XF86Search', 225, 0, 0) (269025119, 'XF86Go', 226, 0, 0) (269025084, 'XF86Finance', 227, 0, 0) (269025118, 'XF86Game', 228, 0, 0) (269025078, 'XF86Shop', 229, 0, 0) (65385, 'Cancel', 231, 0, 0) (269025027, 'XF86MonBrightnessDown', 232, 0, 0) (269025026, 'XF86MonBrightnessUp', 233, 0, 0) (269025074, 'XF86AudioMedia', 234, 0, 0) (269025113, 'XF86Display', 235, 0, 0) (269025028, 'XF86KbdLightOnOff', 236, 0, 0) (269025030, 'XF86KbdBrightnessDown', 237, 0, 0) (269025029, 'XF86KbdBrightnessUp', 238, 0, 0) (269025147, 'XF86Send', 239, 0, 0) (269025138, 'XF86Reply', 240, 0, 0) (269025168, 'XF86MailForward', 241, 0, 0) (269025143, 'XF86Save', 242, 0, 0) (269025115, 'XF86Documents', 243, 0, 0) (269025171, 'XF86Battery', 244, 0, 0) (269025172, 'XF86Bluetooth', 245, 0, 0) (269025173, 'XF86WLAN', 246, 0, 0) Server Info: Full server information from 'xpra info' bandwidth-limit : 0 batch : {'delay': {'90p': 34, '80p': 34, 'cur': 34, 'min': 34, 'max': 34, 'avg': 34, '50p': 34}, 'timeout-delay': 15000, 'locked': False, 'max-delay': 500, 'min-delay': 16} child : {0: {'name': 'sound source', 'pid': 5251, 'dead': False, 'ignore': True, 'command': ('/usr/bin/xpra', '_sound_record', '-', '-', 'pulsesrc', 'device=alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo.monitor', 'opus+ogg', '', '1.0', '-d', 'sound'), 'forget': True}} children : {'ignored': 1, 'total': 1, 'dead': 0} client : {'av-sync': {'': True, 'total': 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2), 20: (2756, 'threeeighths', 14, 0, 3), 21: (54, '6', 15, 0, 0), 22: (38, 'ampersand', 15, 0, 1), 23: (172, 'notsign', 15, 0, 2), 24: (2757, 'fiveeighths', 15, 0, 3), 25: (55, '7', 16, 0, 0), 26: (47, 'slash', 16, 0, 1), 27: (123, 'braceleft', 16, 0, 2), 28: (2758, 'seveneighths', 16, 0, 3), 29: (56, '8', 17, 0, 0), 30: (40, 'parenleft', 17, 0, 1), 31: (91, 'bracketleft', 17, 0, 2), 32: (2761, 'trademark', 17, 0, 3), 33: (57, '9', 18, 0, 0), 34: (41, 'parenright', 18, 0, 1), 35: (93, 'bracketright', 18, 0, 2), 36: (177, 'plusminus', 18, 0, 3), 37: (48, '0', 19, 0, 0), 38: (61, 'equal', 19, 0, 1), 39: (125, 'braceright', 19, 0, 2), 40: (176, 'degree', 19, 0, 3), 41: (223, 'ssharp', 20, 0, 0), 42: (63, 'question', 20, 0, 1), 43: (92, 'backslash', 20, 0, 2), 44: (191, 'questiondown', 20, 0, 3), 45: (16785054, 'U1E9E', 20, 0, 4), 46: (65105, 'dead_acute', 21, 0, 0), 47: (65104, 'dead_grave', 21, 0, 1), 48: (65115, 'dead_cedilla', 21, 0, 2), 49: (65116, 'dead_ogonek', 21, 0, 3), 50: (65288, 'BackSpace', 22, 0, 0), 51: (65288, 'BackSpace', 22, 0, 1), 52: (65289, 'Tab', 23, 0, 0), 53: (65056, 'ISO_Left_Tab', 23, 0, 1), 54: (113, 'q', 24, 0, 0), 55: (81, 'Q', 24, 0, 1), 56: (64, 'at', 24, 0, 2), 57: (2009, 'Greek_OMEGA', 24, 0, 3), 58: (119, 'w', 25, 0, 0), 59: (87, 'W', 25, 0, 1), 60: (435, 'lstroke', 25, 0, 2), 61: (419, 'Lstroke', 25, 0, 3), 62: (101, 'e', 26, 0, 0), 63: (69, 'E', 26, 0, 1), 64: (8364, 'EuroSign', 26, 0, 2), 65: (8364, 'EuroSign', 26, 0, 3), 66: (114, 'r', 27, 0, 0), 67: (82, 'R', 27, 0, 1), 68: (182, 'paragraph', 27, 0, 2), 69: (174, 'registered', 27, 0, 3), 70: (116, 't', 28, 0, 0), 71: (84, 'T', 28, 0, 1), 72: (956, 'tslash', 28, 0, 2), 73: (940, 'Tslash', 28, 0, 3), 74: (122, 'z', 29, 0, 0), 75: (90, 'Z', 29, 0, 1), 76: (2299, 'leftarrow', 29, 0, 2), 77: (165, 'yen', 29, 0, 3), 78: (117, 'u', 30, 0, 0), 79: (85, 'U', 30, 0, 1), 80: (2302, 'downarrow', 30, 0, 2), 81: (2300, 'uparrow', 30, 0, 3), 82: (105, 'i', 31, 0, 0), 83: (73, 'I', 31, 0, 1), 84: (2301, 'rightarrow', 31, 0, 2), 85: (697, 'idotless', 31, 0, 3), 86: (111, 'o', 32, 0, 0), 87: (79, 'O', 32, 0, 1), 88: (248, 'oslash', 32, 0, 2), 89: (216, 'Oslash', 32, 0, 3), 90: (112, 'p', 33, 0, 0), 91: (80, 'P', 33, 0, 1), 92: (254, 'thorn', 33, 0, 2), 93: (222, 'THORN', 33, 0, 3), 94: (252, 'udiaeresis', 34, 0, 0), 95: (220, 'Udiaeresis', 34, 0, 1), 96: (65111, 'dead_diaeresis', 34, 0, 2), 97: (65112, 'dead_abovering', 34, 0, 3), 98: (43, 'plus', 35, 0, 0), 99: (42, 'asterisk', 35, 0, 1), 100: (126, 'asciitilde', 35, 0, 2), 101: (175, 'macron', 35, 0, 3), 102: (65293, 'Return', 36, 0, 0), 103: (65507, 'Control_L', 37, 0, 0), 104: (97, 'a', 38, 0, 0), 105: (65, 'A', 38, 0, 1), 106: (230, 'ae', 38, 0, 2), 107: (198, 'AE', 38, 0, 3), 108: (115, 's', 39, 0, 0), 109: (83, 'S', 39, 0, 1), 110: (16777599, 'U017F', 39, 0, 2), 111: (16785054, 'U1E9E', 39, 0, 3), 112: (100, 'd', 40, 0, 0), 113: (68, 'D', 40, 0, 1), 114: (240, 'eth', 40, 0, 2), 115: (208, 'ETH', 40, 0, 3), 116: 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2816), (7680, 2688), (7680, 2560), (7552, 3968), (7552, 3840), (7552, 3712), (7552, 3584), (7552, 3456), (7552, 3328), (7552, 3200), (7552, 3072), (7552, 2944), (7552, 2816), (7552, 2688), (7552, 2560), (7424, 3968), (7424, 3840), (7424, 3712), (7424, 3584), (7424, 3456), (7424, 3328), (7424, 3200), (7424, 3072), (7424, 2944), (7424, 2816), (7424, 2688), (7424, 2560), (7296, 3968), (7296, 3840), (7296, 3712), (7296, 3584), (7296, 3456), (7296, 3328), (7296, 3200), (7296, 3072), (7296, 2944), (7296, 2816), (7296, 2688), (7296, 2560), (7296, 2432), (7168, 3968), (7168, 3840), (7168, 3712), (7168, 3584), (7168, 3456), (7168, 3328), (7168, 3200), (7168, 3072), (7168, 2944), (7168, 2816), (7168, 2688), (7168, 2560), (7168, 2432), (7040, 3968), (7040, 3840), (7040, 3712), (7040, 3584), (7040, 3456), (7040, 3328), (7040, 3200), (7040, 3072), (7040, 2944), (7040, 2816), (7040, 2688), (7040, 2560), (7040, 2432), (6912, 3968), (6912, 3840), (6912, 3712), (6912, 3584), (6912, 3456), (6912, 3328), (6912, 3200), (6912, 3072), (6912, 2944), (6912, 2816), (6912, 2688), (6912, 2560), (6912, 2432), (6912, 2304), (6784, 3968), (6784, 3840), (6784, 3712), (6784, 3584), (6784, 3456), (6784, 3328), (6784, 3200), (6784, 3072), (6784, 2944), (6784, 2816), (6784, 2688), (6784, 2560), (6784, 2432), (6784, 2304), (6656, 3968), (6656, 3840), (6656, 3712), (6656, 3584), (6656, 3456), (6656, 3328), (6656, 3200), (6656, 3072), (6656, 2944), (6656, 2816), (6656, 2688), (6656, 2560), (6656, 2432), (6656, 2304), (6528, 3968), (6528, 3840), (6528, 3712), (6528, 3584), (6528, 3456), (6528, 3328), (6528, 3200), (6528, 3072), (6528, 2944), (6528, 2816), (6528, 2688), (6528, 2560), (6528, 2432), (6528, 2304), (6528, 2176), (6400, 4096), (6400, 3968), (6400, 3840), (6400, 3712), (6400, 3584), (6400, 3456), (6400, 3328), (6400, 3200), (6400, 3072), (6400, 2944), (6400, 2816), (6400, 2688), (6400, 2560), (6400, 2432), (6400, 2304), (6400, 2176), (6400, 2160), (6272, 3968), (6272, 3840), (6272, 3712), (6 state : {'windows': 1, 'window-manager-name': 'Xpra', 'focused': 9, 'grabbed': 0} threads : {'count': 6, 'info': {0: 'write', 1: 'read', 2: 'parse', 3: 'format'}, 'thread': {0: 'MainThread', 1: 'read', 2: 'encode', 3: 'Info', 4: 'parse', 5: 'Worker_Thread'}, 'frame': {0: {'': 'info', 'stack': (('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '774', '__bootstrap', 'self.__bootstrap_inner()'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '801', '__bootstrap_inner', ''), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '754', 'run', 'self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/server/', '1703', '_get_info_in_thread', 'info = self.get_info(proto, *args)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/server/', '546', 'get_info', 'dgi = self.do_get_info(proto, sources, wids)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/x11/', '325', 'do_get_info', 'info = X11ServerBase.do_get_info(self, proto, server_sources, window_ids)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/x11/', '325', 'do_get_info', 'info = GTKServerBase.do_get_info(self, proto, server_sources, window_ids)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/server/', '120', 'do_get_info', 'info = ServerBase.do_get_info(self, proto, *args)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/server/', '588', 'do_get_info', 'merge_dicts(info, c.get_info(self, proto))'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/server/', '1763', 'get_info', 'up("threads", self.get_thread_info(proto))'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/server/', '529', 'get_thread_info', 'return get_thread_info(proto, tuple(self._server_sources.keys()))'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/server/', '152', 'get_thread_info', 'stack = traceback.extract_stack(frame_pair[1])'))}, 1: {'': 'unknown', 'stack': (('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '774', '__bootstrap', 'self.__bootstrap_inner()'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '801', '__bootstrap_inner', ''), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '754', 'run', 'self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/net/', '734', '_read_parse_thread_loop', 'self.do_read_parse_thread_loop()'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/net/', '761', 'do_read_parse_thread_loop', 'buf = self._read_queue.get()'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '168', 'get', 'self.not_empty.wait()'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '340', 'wait', 'waiter.acquire()'))}, 2: {'': 'unknown', 'stack': (('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '774', '__bootstrap', 'self.__bootstrap_inner()'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '801', '__bootstrap_inner', ''), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '754', 'run', 'self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/server/source/', '529', 'encode_loop', 'fn_and_args = self.encode_work_queue.get(True)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '168', 'get', 'self.not_empty.wait()'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '340', 'wait', 'waiter.acquire()'))}, 3: {'': 'read', 'stack': (('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '774', '__bootstrap', 'self.__bootstrap_inner()'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '801', '__bootstrap_inner', ''), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/', '754', 'run', 'self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/net/', '654', '_read_thread_loop', 'self._io_thread_loop("read", self._read)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/net/', '587', '_io_thread_loop', 'while not self._closed and callback():'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/net/', '656', '_read', 'buf ='), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/net/', '303', 'read', 'return self._read(self._socket.recv, n)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/net/', '181', '_read', 'r = self.untilConcludes(*args)'), ('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xpra/net/', '166', 'untilConcludes', 'return untilConcludes( video : {'decoding': {}, 'csc': {'BGR_to_YUV444P': ('swscale',), 'BGRX_to_XBGR': ('swscale',), 'BGR_to_GBRP': ('swscale',), 'XRGB_to_YUV422P': ('swscale',), 'RGBX_to_BGR': ('swscale',), 'XRGB_to_RGB': ('swscale',), 'RGBX_to_BGRX': ('swscale',), 'BGR_to_RGB': ('swscale',), 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'YUV444P_to_YUV422P': ('swscale',), 'RGBX_to_YUV420P': ('swscale',), 'GBRP_to_XRGB': ('swscale',), 'XRGB_to_GBRP': ('swscale',), 'YUV422P_to_BGR': ('swscale',), 'RGB_to_XRGB': ('swscale',), 'RGB_to_BGRX': ('swscale',), 'BGRX_to_XRGB': ('swscale',), 'BGR_to_BGRX': ('swscale',), 'BGRX_to_RGB': ('swscale',), 'BGR_to_XBGR': ('swscale',), 'BGRX_to_RGBX': ('swscale',), 'XBGR_to_GBRP': ('swscale',), 'YUV420P_to_BGRX': ('swscale',), 'RGB_to_RGBX': ('swscale',), 'BGRX_to_BGR': ('swscale',), 'YUV420P_to_XRGB': ('swscale',), 'YUV422P_to_YUV420P': ('swscale',), 'GBRP_to_YUV420P': ('swscale',), 'XRGB_to_RGBX': ('swscale',), 'GBRP_to_XBGR': ('swscale',), 'YUV422P_to_YUV444P': ('swscale',), 'XBGR_to_YUV420P': ('swscale',), 'XBGR_to_BGR': ('swscale',), 'GBRP_to_RGBX': ('swscale',), 'GBRP_to_YUV444P': ('swscale',), 'RGB_to_YUV444P': ('swscale',), 'RGBX_to_XBGR': ('swscale',), 'RGBX_to_RGB': ('swscale',), 'XBGR_to_XRGB': ('swscale',), 'XRGB_to_YUV420P': ('swscale',), 'XRGB_to_BGR': ('swscale',), 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'YUV420P_to_mpeg4+mp4': ('ffmpeg',)}} webcam : {'': False} window : {9: {'av-sync': {'current': 155, 'enabled': True, 'target': 155}, 'last_used': 'mmap', 'encoding': {'': 'auto', 'selection': 'encoding_is_mmap', 'pipeline_last_check': 10908, 'mmap': {'ratio_pct': {'max': 0, 'avg': 0, 'min': 0}, 'pixels_per_ns': {'max': 7, 'avg': 6, 'min': 5}, 'pixels_encoded_per_second': 152620602}, 'pixels_per_ns': {'max': 7, 'avg': 6, 'min': 5}, 'pipeline_param': {'dimensions': (1097, 937), 'src_format': 'BGRX', 'encoding': ('h264', 'vp9', 'vp8')}, 'ratio_pct': {'max': 0, 'avg': 0, 'min': 0}, 'lossless_threshold': {'base': 68, 'pixel_boost': 12}, 'pipeline_option': {0: {'scaling': (1, 1), 'encoder': {'': 'x264', 'scaling': (1, 1), 'height': 936, 'width': 1096}, 'score': 70, 'csc': {'': 'swscale', 'scaling': (1, 1), 'height': 936, 'width': 1096}, 'format': 'YUV420P'}, 1: {'scaling': (1, 1), 'encoder': {'': 'x264', 'scaling': (1, 1), 'height': 936, 'width': 1096}, 'score': 68, 'csc': {'': 'swscale', 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