Xpra: Ticket #1663: "zlib not available" on Windows 7

Hi! I've successfully built xpra-2.1.2 on Windows 7, using the latest MSYS2 with updated packages from pacman. I've installed all required programs and the build process finishes with no errors. I am using MSYS2 instead of mingw-w64 (as suggested here https://www.xpra.org/trac/wiki/Building/MSWindows) because I was unable to run MINGW_SETUP.sh script using mingw, as it came without pacman. After the build is done and installation is successful, I am trying to start the Xpra-Launcher and it fails with error: "cx_Freeze: Python error in main script (traceback unavailable)" written in subject, and "Cannot import traceback module. Exception: can't decompress data; zlib not available. Original exception: can't decompress data; zlib not available." error text.

Can someone help me, please? I'm trying to solve this issue for a week now. I've reinstalled Windows (in VM), Visual Studio 2015 and all other needed things. I think that the issue might be in cx_Freeze itself, but maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Tue, 17 Oct 2017 01:33:31 GMT - maxim_mazurok: attachment set

Error message

Tue, 17 Oct 2017 01:37:16 GMT - Antoine Martin: owner, component changed; milestone set

Make sure you are using the correct version of cx_Freeze. See r16175.

If that doesn't fix it, post the build log files: (win32/*log.

Tue, 17 Oct 2017 03:06:48 GMT - maxim_mazurok: status changed; resolution set

It fixed it, thank you!

Sat, 23 Jan 2021 05:30:27 GMT - migration script:

this ticket has been moved to: https://github.com/Xpra-org/xpra/issues/1663